Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Wow. It's been freaking forever since I blogged, but I kinda forgot it was here. I will try to keep up this summer, but no promises. You can head over to my book-tubing channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dracokisser. I will be posting about two videos today...hopefully. One will be the Maze Runner Trailer Review and a new little bookshelf tour, and maybe a collective book haul, so be on the look out for that.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Okay. So today I'll be reviewing Beautiful Creatures and comparing it to the movie. I will be nit-picking this book and putting a non-spoiler review on my book-tube channel. First things first Savannah is described as being white, whereas in the movie she was portrayed as black. Another thing, the Sixteen Moons song wasn't featured in the movie and I would have liked to have heard that. Emily hates Ethan in the book, whereas in the movie she likes Ethan. Lena drives a hearse instead of a bug-like car. In the book, both Ethan's mother and father were writers. I can't remember if it's mentioned in the movie, but I think it was said that just his mother was the writer. The conversation in the car wasn't as witty or funny than it was in the movie. In the book, Ethan really is a jock. He's a basketball jock, whereas in the movie, you're under the impression that he's not, but it's never really specified. Lena's birthday is February 11th whereas in the movie it was December 21st. The locket is different. In the movie, the locket didn't have the picture of Genevieve on it. In the book, Ethan and Lena were able to Kelt. This was not featured in the movie. Ethan is a sophomore instead of a junior like in the movie. In the book, Macon is an incubus, which made me think of The Covenant. In the movie, it is said that he is a Dark Caster, who is choosing to be Light. Ethan and Lena have the conversation about her being a Caster in Ethan's bedroom, instead of in Lena's bedroom like in the movie. In the movie, Ethan and Lena's movie date came after the Gathering Days. Speaking of the Gathering Days, some of you may have noticed that a lot of characters were left out in the movie adaptation. Marian and Amma were combined in the movie to make up the character of Amma. The Caster circle was different in the movie. In the movie, it was just Macon, Aunt Del, and Gramma casting the binding circle. The spell that Genevieve used to bring Ethan back was shortened in the movie. The flashback where Genevieve turning dark took place at a different location than in the book. In the movie, it took place during Lena and Ethan's movie date. In the book, it took place in the Caster library. The Book of Moons was with Genevieve instead of in the Caster library. Lena getting expelled from school takes place later in the book, whereas in the movie it took place about halfway through. Boo Radly was not featured in the movie. I thought he was a nice touch. A small difference, Link's dad was apparently alive in the book, whereas in the movie, it's stated that Link's dad was dead. Sarafine didn't seem that bad in the book, whereas she was just pysco in the movie. The Claiming happened at night, whereas in the movie, we don't really see Lena's Claiming. Lena used the same spell as Genevieve to try and bring Ethan back and killed Macon in the process. Overall, the book is EXTREMELY different than the movie. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Great Gatsby

In high school, I was never forced to read The Great Gatsby. I do see why all my friends hated it though. I didn't hate it, but I didn't absolutely love it. There was practically no plot, but we only saw things from the narrator's POV Nick Carraway. There wasn't much to his character. He didn't really add anything to the story. Daisy Buchanan was a total ditz. Some things she did and said, I rolled my eyes multiple times. I liked when we found out that Daisy and Gatsby were former flames. Didn't see that coming at all. Tom Buchanan was a jerk, but I did feel bad for him when his mistress was run. He was cheating on his wife, Daisy, with another man's wife Myrtle Wilson and Daisy knew about it. I liked Gatsby and how he always said, "Old Sport" and his devotion to Daisy. I liked Jordan Baker and really wanted her to end up with Nick. In the end, I knew multiple people were going to die, but I didn't know that Gatsby was going to be one of them. I saw it coming about 3 or 4 pages before it happened. Really curious to see how they do the film. Be on the look out for that review on my other blog.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Phantom of the Opera

I recently finished Phantom of the Opera and I didn't really like it, but I didn't hate it either. Let's talk about characters. Raoul was a baby. At one point, he was crying while Christine was singing. I was like, "Get it together man!" Christine was annoying. And Erik, I didn't feel for him like I did in the movie. In the movie, I tend to lean toward Erik more than Raoul, but Raoul is good too in the movie. In the book, Erik is described as having a 'death's head' like a skull. He has exposed eye sockets, no nose, and no lips. Kinda gross, whereas in the movie, he's very attractive except for the burn on his face. It doesn't distract from him at all. Some characters names were changed in the movie and I'm very happy Andrew Lloyd Webber decided to make Erik attractive. You also find out the reason for the 'keep your hand at the level of your eyes'. I always suspected it was so you couldn't be strangled and I was right. Reading the book, I didn't feel what I feel every time I watch the movie. Overall, I would have to give this a 3 out of 5 stars, sadly.